Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Updates & Apples Galore!

Well once again it has been quite an eventful few months and I have again failed to keep up with the world of blogs and social media networking; are we surprised? I'm guessing no one is at all surprised that I have failed to keep up, but alas I will not bore you with promises of more frequent updates or timely posts. You must however know that I actually sat down and planned a blogging schedule and have set a goal of two posts per week for the remainder of this month :)

If you know anything about me, you know that I have been awaiting the Fall season since May! Finally it has arrived and I couldn't be happier with the crisp weather and invasion of all things pumpkin flavored! I am also excited to pull out the ole crock pot and get some soup in my tummy. It always seems like I spend more time in the kitchen during this time of year and this year is no exception!  So when a friend of gave us a bag of apples I decided to attempt an apple pie, because when you have never made a pie in your life making an apple pie is always a GREAT idea, right? I mean I had the apples to why not make a pie? I picked up a package of pie crusts from Trader Joe's and made myself a pie!

I should probably mention that I don't really like cooked apples and I am pretty picky about apples in general. I absolutely can NOT deal with mushy, mealy apples {yuck}! So I had no intention of eating the apple pie but I knew Dr. Sarah would appreciate the treat and of course an apple pie is only as good as the ice cream you put on top ;) Here are before and after pictures of my apple pie!

Happy blogging, hope you enjoy the post!