Friday, November 30, 2012

Awesomesauce Winter Photo Challenge

While trolling the web I happened upon this awesome website from Carrie Swails Photography called Photography Awesomesauce (you should check it out). Any way, Carrie is hosting a Winter Photo Challenge and I am super excited to be sharing and interacting with other photographers. This weeks theme was trees and last weeks was thankful so here are the two pictures I have entered so far...

Week 1 "Thankful" for our first Thanksgiving in the new house!
Week 2 "Trees"

Thursday, November 15, 2012

New House Pictures

I mentioned in my last post that we recently bought a house here in GA, here are a few pictures of the house as is when we first bought it...

Front Yard View

Master Bedroom

Master Closet

Master Bathroom Garden Tub
Master Bathroom Shower
Living Room

Laundry Room

Bonus Room


Guest Bath
Master Bathroom                                                                                     

Exciting Updates!

Well it has been a minute since the last post but oh so much has happened since then! I love that even though we have both completed all of our coursework we are still as busy as ever, and I thought we were going to be old cat ladies knitting and watching the news every night! Here is a list of whats been happening in Sumners/Kugle Land...

1. I am officially Amber Kugle M. Ed and Sarah is Dr. Sarah Sumners! Hooray for us!!

2. We bought a house and moved into it in just three weeks! Oh and I should probably mention that WE installed hardwood floors in said house.

3. We adopted/happened upon/inherited a new cat, her name is Baylee and she has the most gorgeous blue eyes!

4. We are currently in Denver, CO at the NAGC annual conference, fun stuff!

I know that list is pretty short but we haven't had a single weekend of nothingness in the past month! Hope this finds you well hope to post more detailed info about the house later on this week.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Leon September 2012

This past month has been super busy and rest is a vague memory of days past. We did however find time to see our favorite niece and nephew earlier in the month. While there I snapped a few shots at the base playground but have just gotten around to editing them this weekend. Here are a few of my favorites...

Friday, September 28, 2012

Picture Hike & other arbitrary photos!

Today we hiked one of the trails at Ben Burton and found this little butterfly fluttering about on it's back, so I righted it and continued on our journey. Unfortunately when in came time to capture the tree trunk colonized by fungi my phone of course died!
This is week 2 of subbing at Athens Academy in the 3 year old room and on Monday we finger painted and I captured a little gem to remember the fun!
I'm ending the week with frozen yogurt one if my faves and since we are trying to save a little dough this month I purchased this from Trader Joe's. it's fine on its own but I'm still trying to figure out how to get my hands on some melted marshmallow fluff!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sunday Afternoon DIY

Since finishing my Masters coursework and completing my Comprehensive Exams I have acquired quite a bit of free time that I have devoted to practicing and fine tuning my photography, leisure reading, and various other enjoyable projects of my choosing. Much to my delight a good deal of this time has been spent perusing local thrift stores and re-working old finds and my collection of random odds and ends. I have also taken a particular liking to visiting antique shops and collecting sparkly and glittery baubles to add to my ever expanding collection of jewels. To accommodate this collection is a bit tricky since space is limited in our cozy two bedroom duplex. On a past trip to MS I found a hanging jewelry organizer that worked perfectly for necklaces and held a few of my bangles and bracelets but wasn't optimal for the latter so as I usually do when faced with a storage or other DIY dilemma I turned to Pinterest. As I imagined there were a plethora of unique and creative storage options and this past Saturday I happened upon the key component of one of those options...a wooden mug holder/hanger. I have seen these in various places and remember them fondly from my childhood located on the kitchen counters of my most favorite great Aunt Mage and my GrannyNette, however I have been unable to locate one for some time now so when I saw my little treasure on the top shelf I made a B line for it and ran for the door. Below are a few before and after photos I snapped and one of it serving it's knew found purpose! Happy Tuesday!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Dusty Bibles

We have been in Athens almost one whole year, and what a year it has been. For a Southern girl who thought life outside rural MS was a fairytale in the making I can honestly say this has been an awesome journey and although GA will never be my MS it will do in a pinch. Many aspects of life in Athens remind me of MS so the transition hasn't been all that difficult plus the weather is wonderful although we do occasionally experience MS humidity. On one of our house hunting excursions we drove by this little old country church and in true Southern style this is what we saw...

I do love a good Southern Baptist church sign, y'all! Happy Friday & a wonderful weekend to you!

August Photo-A-Day Photos

Although I haven't been blogging I have been keeping up with the Photo-A-Day Challenge for August. Here is what I have captured so far...

Day 2- ONE (My first thought took me to the Beatles which prompted my "one is the loneliest number..." montage and so I arrived at lonely and thought this "one lonely little park bench" perfectly portrayed MY idea of one)

 Day 3- COIN

 Day 4- SOMEWHERE YOU SAT (This is a comfy beanbag type chair at Pottery Barn)

 Day 5- LOGO (Love some Birchbox so what better logo to choose!)


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 1 Outdoor

Day 1's theme was OUTDOOR so I knew exactly what I wanted to do. Sarah and I drove up to the park near our house and walked around for nearly an hour. We played in the river and enjoyed all the wildlife minus the mosquitoes. Here are a few shots of our afternoon outdoors...

August Photo-a-day

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Terrible Blogger!

Alright let's just face it...I my friends am a terrible blogger! Always have been and most likely always will be. Life, aka grad school and Sarah's dissertation, happens and I get caught up and forget all about blogger land.

That being said there are some new developments in the works concerning this blog. I know, I know we already started over and tried again but that is what life is all about...falling down and getting right back up again. So please bear with me as I pull myself up once more!

What's new...Photography

I don't know if I mentioned this but I love taking pictures so when I got my first big girl job I decided to use my tax refund check to buy a real legit DSLR, a Canon to be exact. I made my purchase and have been tinkering around with it from time to time and even had the chance to shoot for a local political campaign last summer. Since then I have just been snapping a few shots of baby/toddler Harry and the new addition Baby Charlie/Charlotte and of course my Fab Five from MS. Here are a few of my favs...

Since I enjoy snapping shots here and there I have decided to take this to the next level. Simply meaning that I plan to expand my hobby into something a bit more lucrative. So with that in mind, I have been working with one of my Reveler Sisters, Laura Prestwich (find her here design a logo that I will use as a blog design and possible watermark. I am so so excited to see what she comes up with because she has some pretty kick butt looking business cards!

Now I know fancy branding and all that jazz isn't going to make me the hot ticket photographer in Athens; I mean lets just face it people I'm ok but I'm no Ansel Adams over here. In addition to a professional make over, if you will, I plan to use this blog as a means to display my craft and fine tune my skill. Fact is I have tons of pictures just sitting on my hard drive that no one else has ever seen and that my friends is a little disappointing. This blog will be my portrait/shot gallery and hopefully the first step in getting my name out there. So we shall see my friends, we shall see!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Photo Peaches...

Ok we already know I suck at keeping up with blogging but remember my 'commitment' far so good if I do say so myself! In an attempt to further challenge myself & this commitment I have decided to try the Photo-a-day challenge by Fatmumslim. Here is July's photo list & my day 1 photo!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012

Peaches & A Bit of Housekeeping

I thought perhaps I would do a bit of housekeeping before launching full force into some of my new ventures. Alright, a few months ago I was scouring the internet for info concerning a topic I can't quite remember. Anyhow I stumbled across a YouTube video featuring a lovely young lady, BentleyBlonde talking about CRAP products- my personal favs; fast forward to June and I am an addict. Little did I know but there are oodles of gurus just like Wendy on YouTube. So after subscribing to her channel, following her blog, finding her on FB/Twitter & Instagram (I realize that I am now a certified stalker, single white female anyone?) I feel certified to apply my own makeup and spend gobs of money on beauty products!
SO I told you all of that to tell you that at the suggestion of Wendy I signed up for Influenster, a company that sends out VoxBoxes to Influenster's to try out for FREE and then submit detailed reviews of the products they received for FREE! I got my first box in May and I loved it. At first I was really skeptical because honestly, some company is going to send ME products for FREE, yeah ok. But seriously the sent it and I got to try out some pretty sweet products. In case you don't believe me check out my picture below to see all the awesome products that the Influenster Team sent my way and then go sign up yourself!

Spring Beauty VoxBox

My Spring Beauty VoxBox included:
 SoyJoy Strawberry Bar- interesting, but not horrible.
 Sally Hansen Salon Effects- used these before, NO dry time oh yeah oh yeah!
 Sheer Cover Concealer- lightweight concealer, amazing!
 Dr. Scholl's For Her Ball of Foot Gel Inserts- lifesaver, your feet will thank you!
 Chapstick Lip Shield w SPF- not so much, but Sarah loved it!
 Bath & Body Works Body Mist in Sweet Pea- classic scent, who doesn't love Sweet Pea?!
 Aveeno Body Wash- nice, very moisturizing & no overwhelming scent!

So seriously go sign up and play around on the site so you can qualify for you very own VoxBox its totally worth it!

*Disclamer- products listed above are compliments of Influenster for testing purposes. 

Fresh Peaches!

Hey y'all I thought I might give this one more shot. If you don't already know I attempted the blogging game about 2 years ago and failed to follow through with it. So I gave myself a nice kick in the bee-hind and decided to start fresh with a new one. This time around I have mapped out a plan of action and made a commitment to blog regularly and frequently.
I'm a teacher by trade and am currently finishing up my last 2 courses of my M.Ed. Program, yes I am rather excited to have additional letters after my name! With the recent move to Georgia I quit my job enrolled full-time in grad school and took on the role of housewife and I have quite enjoyed it although its a bit lonely at times. In January I took a job at a local private school as an after school Pre-K worker, now that its summertime its back to the house for me. In an attempt to preserve my sanity, steer clear of online shopping, and provide an outlet for my creative ventures I figured ANOTHER blog would serve me just fine.
So for the purposes of the Peachy Keen blog I'll be rambling on about my day to day adventures, showing off my photography and maybe tempting you with some of my creations. For all extensive purposes this will simply be a collection of random happenings and a database of memories and fun times for my friends, aquaintances and of course myself! Happy blogging, hope you enjoy!