Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Terrible Blogger!

Alright let's just face it...I my friends am a terrible blogger! Always have been and most likely always will be. Life, aka grad school and Sarah's dissertation, happens and I get caught up and forget all about blogger land.

That being said there are some new developments in the works concerning this blog. I know, I know we already started over and tried again but that is what life is all about...falling down and getting right back up again. So please bear with me as I pull myself up once more!

What's new...Photography

I don't know if I mentioned this but I love taking pictures so when I got my first big girl job I decided to use my tax refund check to buy a real legit DSLR, a Canon to be exact. I made my purchase and have been tinkering around with it from time to time and even had the chance to shoot for a local political campaign last summer. Since then I have just been snapping a few shots of baby/toddler Harry and the new addition Baby Charlie/Charlotte and of course my Fab Five from MS. Here are a few of my favs...

Since I enjoy snapping shots here and there I have decided to take this to the next level. Simply meaning that I plan to expand my hobby into something a bit more lucrative. So with that in mind, I have been working with one of my Reveler Sisters, Laura Prestwich (find her here http://magnolianotes.blogspot.com/)to design a logo that I will use as a blog design and possible watermark. I am so so excited to see what she comes up with because she has some pretty kick butt looking business cards!

Now I know fancy branding and all that jazz isn't going to make me the hot ticket photographer in Athens; I mean lets just face it people I'm ok but I'm no Ansel Adams over here. In addition to a professional make over, if you will, I plan to use this blog as a means to display my craft and fine tune my skill. Fact is I have tons of pictures just sitting on my hard drive that no one else has ever seen and that my friends is a little disappointing. This blog will be my portrait/shot gallery and hopefully the first step in getting my name out there. So we shall see my friends, we shall see!

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